Module Event Broadcast Model
Module Event Broadcast Model
(as I understand it)
Rob Salgado
30 Mar 1999
By connecting the SwitchObj-output to IntegerObj-input,
we allow for the following dialogue to occur:
In more detail,
- Suppose we depress the SwitchObj Module.
- This invokes its engine() method.
- [Other computations may occur in engine().]
- Within this method, the broadcast() method is called.
The SwitchObj::broadcast(OUTPORT) method ("pings")
invokes the engine() method of every Module
connected to the particular output port (OUTPORT) of the SwitchObj.
- Thus, the IntegerObj::engine() method is invoked.
- The IntegerObj Module is passed two variables:
- (INPORT) the particular input port that received the ping
- (&LINKOBJ) a link to the Module that pinged this input port
- In engine(), LINKOBJ.access(DATA) is called.
The LINKOBJ.access(DATA) method is a request by the
IntegerObj Module via the LINKOBJ for data from the SwitchObj Module.
This method then invokes the
- Thus, the SwitchObj::access() method is invoked.
- The SwitchObj Module is passed three variables:
- (OUTPORT) that was pinged and has just replied
- (& LINKOBJ) a link to the Module that replied to this ping
- (DATATYPE) a data type of requested data
- Then, SwitchObj::access() then returns the
requested data to the IntegerObj Module via the LINKOBJ.
- The IntegerObj::engine() method continues.
- Within this method, the broadcast() method is called.
The IntegerObj::broadcast(OUTPORT) method ("pings")
invokes the engine() method of every Module
connected to the particular output port (OUTPORT) of the IntegerObj.
And so on...
For instance, one can connect
the IntegerObj-output to 1DMeterObj-input.

Based on
Yuh-Jye Chang's Ph.D. dissertation (draft)
and my personal experience with writing external modules.