There is a NeatTools development community at We are expecting exciting developments--updates, patches, new external modules, and support for operating systems other than Windows.
Module Programming Introduction
Module Event Broadcast Model
Create an external module in VC++5.0 (a step-by-step tutorial)
Additional Notes on External Modules
Module Maker
TNG-3B Goes to the Movies
Resources for TNG-3B and Interface Projects
Sensor Imputs for the TNG-3B
TNG-3B with accelerometer sensor
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)
Real-time data acquisition into vpython
Human-Robot Teleoperation
ImageTcl: Augmented Reality Development System
Tactical Mobile Robot Operational Units
Undersea Command and Control Visualization
Hands-Free Human Computer Interface System
The MagicBook: A Transitional AR Interface
EPOC Mind controlled Robot
Mood Ring Measured in Megahertz
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality
Jeff Berezin's Blog
Microsoft Announces Recipients of Accessibility R&D Grants
Rehabilitation apparatus and method
SIGKIDS 2003 Influences Timeline
SNL QuadPod Manual
Sensors & Instrumentation
Flash NeatTools Dev Blog